WCS has run almost 1000 camps, seen over 100,000 children – Provided over 448,000 hours of sports and fun since 1981.
Latest News -Happy New Year
- New Saturday Club Program…Next Term the gym club adds fun elements: t he cage + parachute games + ball games options.
- Saturday Football will have a tournament each month + Rugby and ball games options
- Saturday restarts 11th January 2025.. Happy New Year
- Spring 2025 – dates, January 11,18,25, February 1,8,15, March 1,8,15,22,29 Β£154 11weeks
- Orley Farm Dates .. 17-21 February Half Term – Easter 3 weeks from March 31st-April17 – Half Term May 26-30 Summer 1. July 14-18 2. July 21-25 3. July 28-Aug 1 4. August 4-8 5.1August 1-15 Oct HT 20-31
- Aylward tbc
- Bledlow Ridge tbc
About Our Program
Multi-Sports Activities to choose from will include: Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Ball Games, Rugby, Baseball, Badminton, Cricket,Dodge ball, DLB ,Sabotage, Woodland Games, Nature Trail, Climbing and Low Ropes, Story Time, Parachute Games, Table Tennis. Yoga & Dance, Football and gymnastics are very popular owing to our skilled coaches in both areas and run most sessions.
Gymnastics includes Floor work, Vaulting and Partner sequences. A great success last year.
Arts & Drama, daily options include cake decorating,
Dance and Yoga sessions are available throughout the week either in tandem with the play or as stand alone sessions.
Skill & Sports Development by wcs
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Best wishes from Peter, Mary, Amy, Charlotte & the WCS team 

- contact us worldcupsports.co.uk@gmail.com
- Medical Form link .. download / if needed please print and bring in on first day with Medication Thanks PR