The Saturday Sports Ethos
Ball Skills Option Over the year we will offer 2 hours of coaching (10am-12noon) in gymnastics, football, Ball Skills with competitive game opportunities each week once the necessary skill levels are reached. Early emphasis on ball skills and gymnastics for the youngest will increase the core skills of coordination, speed, strength and balance.
“I would like to explain and remind you of our ‘2020 vision, devised in 2010, which continues into 2025 for sports development on Saturdays and during the holidays. The concept is quite simply to create a wider opportunity to practice, improve, enjoy and prepare for the skills that will be taught in lessons from Year 3 onwards, giving those children who attend a head start. Experience shows us that the children who have had earlier exposure to sports coaching and practice are clearly “ahead of the game” when we reach this landmark moment and are the key players in our teams through their school years.”
Last year we had around 70 children attending the Saturday club sessions regularly to improve teamwork and skills appropriate to OFS team sports. We are hoping to increase those taking up the opportunity from Reception, Years 1, 2 & 3 thus preparing them for inter school competitions at Y3 and Club progressions.
This is also open to Years 5 and 6 when we will invite other teams/ schools to play matches and tournaments on Saturday mornings to create game play experience.
During the half term and holidays there will be further ‘Sports Development’ opportunities with coaching in many sports during the regular ‘Holiday Camp’. Please check Latest news for dates.
Kind regards, Peter Ryan MA Ed Skill & Sports Development by wcs
Please see our Home page for details how to book if you would like to join us.
.Any questions please email us at