September 2021 – Back in the swing of things
We are delighted to have welcomed back so many of our regular Saturday club children this Saturday alongside many newbies from the summer and new friends. Please continue to spread the word and encourage anyone else you know who might be interested in coming along for a free trial. It is wonderful to see you all and get back in the swing of things.
February 24th 2021 – Great News
We are so pleased that our sports and arts programs are back on the menu Easter 3 weeks Open to everyone not just Critical workers. 1. March 29-April 4 days Monday-Thursday 2. April 6 – 9 4 days Tuesday to Friday 3. April 12-16 5 Days Monday-Friday Open to all. Please book early to help with staff and ‘bubbles’ BOOK HERE
Saturday Club Update Gymnastics/Astro Sports/Forest School to restart 17th April after Easter till 10th July #gymnastics as usual indoors and #Astro Sports very special program #Forest School resumes with Amy #Tumble Tots TBC BOOK HERE
Sports Celebrations back on the menu For Details of the Sports Celebration events for your Birthday please contact us and have a look at the details on this link Sports Celebrations
Thank you for your patience & support PR.
WCS Since 1982
January 2021 – Lockdown News
Thank you for your continued patience during this new lockdown., We are unable to restart on Saturday, the 9th of January. We are awaiting to see if we may be able to go-ahead after February half term, at present this seems unlikely. I hope that you will be happy for us to continue to hold a credit for the 5 weeks that we ‘owe’ to you from the last term lockdown. We have this on the register and will apply this as soon as the Saturday Club reopens.
Last term we have missed five weeks (there was no provision planned for the last week of November 28 as it was supposed to be the “Orley Farm School” Christmas fare) and we were planning to credit these days to everybody so that they can be used on future Saturdays. I hope that this remains acceptable to you and apologise again that we had to close during this term when Covid has created such chaos in so many areas. PR