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Child First name also on Bank Transfer Code. Siblings may be included in this one form for simplicity.
Surname Family
eg 07956607645 Emergency phone number will receive txt info about the course please share info.
Please put N in the box if you are new to us.
Registers will contain year groups together. Groups will be able to mix and choose every session
Age in Years on first day of course Note we can only take 5 year old (or Rising 5’s in Reception last year with July/August Birthdays.) we are unable to take 4 YO children.
Please put M or F in this box to help us with group allocation. For Siblings use same order as with 1st name.
What School do they attend?
Medical Details if any please Please fill in Medical form if
Please write here anything you think is important for us to share. All children will be registered according to year groups and will be able to join friends freely after this. There is no need to request who to be with this year.
Bank Transfer reference MH then your child’s name on Booking form..NOT PARENT NAME! eg. MHmychildname
Full Address please including post code
Please give permission for us to take photos of the children for our web pages. We will use various pictures from time to time on our website of those who give permission. Or tick No.
Parental/Child/Staff Agreement. I agree that my child(ren) will abide by the wcs code of conduct. We ask parents to support us in a joint expectation of friendly cooperative behaviour towards all on the camp.
The wcs Code of conduct. To respect the staff & other children, NOT bring a phone or electronic device, follow instructions from staff. Note. We will not tolerate disruptive & antisociable behavioural moments that spoil the fun for others.( Last year there was no ‘disruptive’ behaviour unlike 2022) Thanks for your help with this. Peter Ryan
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in our policies and on the Mill Hill Page Thanks . Peter Ryan